UNESCO’S chief aim with this event is to promote scientific knowledge so that we can benefit from its applications by using them to promote sustainable development and lasting peace.
This year, World Science Day calls on people to share all available information, knowledge and innovation relating to water.
On this occasion and coinciding with the International Year of Water Cooperation, World Science Day invites us to reflect on this natural resource, which is so essential for life and development, and to exchange the information and knowledge that we presently have concerning water so as to achieve responsible and sustainable management policies for this, our most precious asset.
[youtube height=»360″ width=»640″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAr3xJ51Jb0&feature=player_embedded#![/youtube]
Video of the message of the Director-General of UNESCO (in English)
What relationship do generators have with water resources?
- Generators are used in farming to power the pumps that extract water needed for irrigating the crops.
- When big floods occur, the power supply can sometimes break down. In these cases, pumps must be used to remove water from buildings and installations. These pumpsare powered by a generator or a series of generators.
- Water supply companies tend to have generators held in reserve, which they can count on when there are problems with the power supply on which the equipment in their installations and treatment plants depends. Hence, it is possible to prevent river water being piped directly into private homes. These companies also use generators to obtain the electric power they need in the process of sterilising water with ultraviolet light.
Message from Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of World Science Day for Peace and Development: