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Grupo Solano employees already wear their new cycling equipment for the 2018-2019 season

Last Sunday, September 23rd, the new equipment that the GRUPO SOLANO cycling team will be wearing during the 2018-2019 season was presented. The team is made up by employees of the companies that are part of the group: INMESOL, SOLANO HORIZONTE, and TORPEDO DESARROLLOS S.L.

Last Sunday, September 23rd, the new equipment that the GRUPO SOLANO cycling team will be wearing during the 2018-2019 season was presented. The team is made up by employees of the companies that are part of the group: INMESOL, SOLANO HORIZONTE, and TORPEDO DESARROLLOS S.L.

grupo solano employees already wear their new cycling equipment for the 2018 2019 season
Members of the Solano Group cycling team, together with Jose Luis Solano

Grupo Solano knows well how important teamwork is and, in this sense, has always fostered and promoted the sports practised by its employees. This time, a large and strong cycling team has been assembled that not only share activities at the workplace level, but also common hobbies, strengthening the positive relations between them.

1 grupo solano employees already wear their new cycling equipment for the 2018 2019 season
Grupo Solano always advocates teamwork